# An options parser for Thompson AWK # (c) Markus Gnam 2017 Version 2017-06-05 # Notes: # You can use -, -- or / as first option character(s). # E.g. -diff=1, --diff=1, /diff=1 are all valid alternatives. # {0,1} means: Use "0" for No (False) or "1" for Yes (True). # For these {0,1} options omitting these values means Yes. # E.g. option -d, --diff={0,1} # You can use either --diff=1 or simply --diff # For the short option you can use -d, -d=1 or -d 1 function argparse(action, nargs, o_short, o_long, o_value, o_default, o_specific, o_interfering) { # Actions: "create" or "add" or "make". Result: Global array OPTION_VALUES local debug = 0, file, indexopt, stringopt, lastopt, opt, i, j, key, value if (action == "create") { ### FROM CMD LINE, LOAD ARGS AND OPTIONS args[0] = 0 for(arg=1; arg= nargs) || ((args[0] < nargs) && (ARGC-arg > nargs)) ) lastopt = tolower(ARGV[arg-1]) if ( (lastopt != "") && (lastopt in OPTIONS) && (length(lastopt) == 2) ) { OPTIONS[lastopt "=" ARGV[arg]] = OPTIONS[lastopt] " " ARGV[arg] delete OPTIONS[lastopt] } else { # "Normal" arguments args[0]++ args[args[0]] = ARGV[arg] } } } ### RESET ARGC AND ARGV FOR REAL ARGS for (i in ARGV) if (i > 0) delete ARGV[i] for(i=1; i <= args[0]; i++) ARGV[i] = args[i] ARGC = args[0] + 1 ### TEST ARGS if (ARGC != nargs+1) { if (ARGC != 1) { print "\nWRONG USAGE: Too many or too few input files." usageprint() abort } } else { for(i=1; i<=ARGC-1; i++) { if (filemode(ARGV[i]) == "") { print "\nWRONG USAGE: Input file(s) not found." usageprint() abort } file = tolower(ARGV[i]) if (file in FILES) { print "WARNING: File ARGV[" i "]=" ARGV[i] " is the same as ARGV[" FILES[file] "]=" ARGV[FILES[file]] print "" } else { FILES[file] = i } } } } else if (action == "add") { # Add option: Required (nargs=1), Option short, Option long, Value, Default, Specific, Interfering # Allowed keys # e.g. ALLOWEDKEYS["f"] = "--fs" # e.g. ALLOWEDKEYS["fs"] = "--fs" if (o_short && o_long) ALLOWEDKEYS[o_short] = "--" o_long if (o_long) ALLOWEDKEYS[o_long] = "--" o_long # Allowed values # e.g. ALLOWEDVALUES["f"] = regex(".+") # e.g. ALLOWEDVALUES["fs"] = regex(".+") if (o_short && o_value) ALLOWEDVALUES[o_short] = regex(o_value) if (o_long && o_value) ALLOWEDVALUES[o_long] = regex(o_value) # Default values # e.g. DEFAULTVALUES["--fs"] = " " if (o_long && o_default) DEFAULTVALUES["--" o_long] = o_default # Required values # e.g. REQUIREDVALUES["--out"] = "" if (o_long && nargs+0) REQUIREDVALUES["--" o_long] = o_default # Specific values # e.g. SPECIFICVALUES["--key1"] = "--key" # e.g. SPECIFICVALUES["--key2"] = "--key" if (o_long && o_specific) SPECIFICVALUES["--" o_long] = "--" o_specific # Interfering values # e.g. INTERFERINGVALUES["--trim"]["--ltrim=1"] = 1 # e.g. INTERFERINGVALUES["--trim"]["--rtrim=1"] = 1 if (o_long && o_interfering) { split(o_interfering, INTERFERINGARRAY, ",") for (i in INTERFERINGARRAY) { if (ALLOWEDVALUES[o_long] "" == "^[01]$") INTERFERINGVALUES["--" o_long]["--" INTERFERINGARRAY[i]] = 1 else INTERFERINGVALUES["--" o_long]["--" INTERFERINGARRAY[i]] = 0 } } } else if (action == "make") { ### TEST OPTIONS for (i in OPTIONS) { opt = i sub(/^[-/][-/]?/, "", opt) if ((opt in ALLOWEDVALUES) && (ALLOWEDVALUES[opt] "" == "^[01]$")) opt = opt "=1" # Set 1 for 0/1 values if not specified, e.g. set -ltrim to -ltrim=1 key = substr(opt, 1, index(opt, "=") - 1) value = substr(opt, index(opt, "=") + 1) if (debug) { print "opt: #" opt "#" print "key: #" key "#" print "value: #" value "#" } if ( (! (key in ALLOWEDKEYS)) || (value !~ ALLOWEDVALUES[key]) ) { print "\nWRONG USAGE: Option not allowed: " OPTIONS[i] usageprint() abort } else { # Search for duplicate keys if (ALLOWEDKEYS[key] in OPTION_VALUES) { print "\nWRONG USAGE: Duplicate option not allowed: " OPTIONS[i] usageprint() abort } ### MAKE OPTIONS # Save options (keys and values) neatly OPTION_VALUES[ALLOWEDKEYS[key]] = value } } ### SPECIAL OPTIONS # Get help if (ARGC == 1) { if (length(OPTION_VALUES) == 0) { usageprint() } else { if (("--help" in OPTION_VALUES) && (length(OPTION_VALUES) == 1)) { usageprint() optionsprint() } else { print "\nWRONG USAGE: Without arguments the only allowed option is getting help." usageprint() } } abort } else if ("--help" in OPTION_VALUES) { print "\nWRONG USAGE: Getting help not allowed with other arguments." usageprint() abort } # Specific values for (i in OPTION_VALUES) { if ((i in SPECIFICVALUES) && (SPECIFICVALUES[i] in OPTION_VALUES)) { print "\nWRONG USAGE: General and specific option not allowed for " SPECIFICVALUES[i] usageprint() abort } } for (i in SPECIFICVALUES) { if (SPECIFICVALUES[i] in SPECIFIC_TARGET) ++SPECIFIC_TARGET[SPECIFICVALUES[i]] else SPECIFIC_TARGET[SPECIFICVALUES[i]] = 1 } for (i in SPECIFICVALUES) { if (i in OPTION_VALUES) { if (SPECIFICVALUES[i] in SPECIFIC_ACTUAL) ++SPECIFIC_ACTUAL[SPECIFICVALUES[i]] else SPECIFIC_ACTUAL[SPECIFICVALUES[i]] = 1 } else if (SPECIFICVALUES[i] in OPTION_VALUES) { OPTION_VALUES[i] = OPTION_VALUES[SPECIFICVALUES[i]] } } for (i in SPECIFIC_ACTUAL) { if (SPECIFIC_ACTUAL[i] != SPECIFIC_TARGET[i]) { print "\nWRONG USAGE: Too few specific options for " i usageprint() abort } } # Default values for (i in DEFAULTVALUES) { if (! (i in OPTION_VALUES) ) { if (! (i in SPECIFIC_ACTUAL) ) { OPTION_VALUES[i] = DEFAULTVALUES[i] DEFAULT_ACTUAL[i] = i } } else { OPTIONS_ACTUAL[i] = i } } # Required values for (i in REQUIREDVALUES) { if (! (i in OPTION_VALUES) ) { if (REQUIREDVALUES[i] == "") { print "\nWRONG USAGE: Required option " i " is missing" usageprint() abort } } } # Interfering values for (i in INTERFERINGVALUES) { for (j in INTERFERINGVALUES[i]) { key = substr(j, 1, index(j, "=") - 1) value = substr(j, index(j, "=") + 1) if ((key in OPTION_VALUES) && (key in DEFAULT_ACTUAL) && (INTERFERINGVALUES[i][j] == "1")) { if (i in OPTIONS_ACTUAL) { if (OPTION_VALUES[key] == value) { if (OPTION_VALUES[key] == DEFAULTVALUES[key]) { if (DEFAULTVALUES[key] == "1") OPTION_VALUES[key] = "0" else OPTION_VALUES[key] = "1" } } } } if ((key in OPTION_VALUES) && (OPTION_VALUES[key] == value) && (i in OPTION_VALUES)) { if (((INTERFERINGVALUES[i][j] == "1") && (OPTION_VALUES[i] == "1")) \ || ((INTERFERINGVALUES[i][j] == "0") && (!( i in DEFAULT_ACTUAL)))) { print "\nWRONG USAGE: Interfering options: " i "=" OPTION_VALUES[i] " and " j usageprint() abort } } } } ### DIAGNOSTIC: PRINT ARGV AND OPTIONS for(i=1; i<=ARGC-1; i++) print "ARGV[" i "]=" ARGV[i] printf("%s", "Options:") for (i in OPTION_VALUES) { printf(" %s=%s", i, OPTION_VALUES[i]) } printf("%s", "\n") if (length(OPTION_VALUES) == 0) print "[none]" ### ZAP UNNEEDED GLOBAL VARS delete args delete FILES delete ALLOWEDKEYS delete ALLOWEDOPTIONS delete DEFAULTVALUES delete DEFAULT_ACTUAL delete REQUIREDVALUES delete SPECIFICVALUES delete SPECIFIC_TARGET delete SPECIFIC_ACTUAL delete INTERFERINGVALUES delete INTERFERINGARRAY delete OPTIONS delete OPTIONS_ACTUAL } } function usageprint() { print "" print "listcompare.exe - Compare two lists based on a key" print "(c) Markus Gnam 2017. Version 20170602" print "USAGE: listcompare [options] " print "" print "Compare two files based on a key given for each file." print "They don't need to be sorted. There is no size limit." print "Defaults, if no options are specified:" print "Key for comparisons for both files is the first field." print "Default field separator is white space (spaces/tabs)." print "" print "Result output (if keys for these files exist):" print "key in both files => File: " key_both_in_file1_and_file2 print "key only in file1 => File: " key_only_in_file1 print "key only in file2 => File: " key_only_in_file2 print "" print "For additional output of the value files use \"-v\"" print "Value files contain the whole line where the key occurs." print "For all options and more details type \"listcompare --help\"" print "" } function optionsprint() { print "OPTIONS: Details about all options and their defaults:" print "Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too." print " -f, --fs=FIELDSEP The field separator [default: \" \"]" print " E.g. tabulator: --fs=\\t or one space: --fs=\"[ ]\"" print " --fs1=FIELDSEP The field separator of file 1 [default: \" \"]" print " --fs2=FIELDSEP The field separator of file 2 [default: \" \"]" print " -k, --key=FIELDNO The field number to compare [default: 1]" print " Use --key=0 to get the whole line as key." print " For Special cases see Notes. E.g. part of field 8:" print " Field No[,Substr Pos][,Substr Length]: --key=8,1,4" print " A field name instead of a field number can be used:" print " E.g. --key=7 or with fname=: --key=fname=last_name" print " --key1=FIELDNO The field number of file 1 to compare [default: 1]" print " --key2=FIELDNO The field number of file 2 to compare [default: 1]" print " --condition1=RE Condition for key1 to be fulfilled [default: 0]" print " RE=:~:. See Notes." print " --condition2=RE Condition for key2 to be fulfilled [default: 0]" print " RE=:~:. See Notes." print " -v, --value={0,1} Generate files with values (whole lines)" print " additional to the key files [default: 0]" print " -d, --diff={0,1} Generate a difference file for values [default: 0]" print " --dif1=FIELDNO The field number of file 1 to compare [default: 0]" print " Use --dif1=0 for the whole line as value. See Notes." print " --dif2=FIELDNO The field number of file 2 to compare [default: 0]" print " Use --dif2=0 for the whole line as value. See Notes." print " -h, --header=N Take care of N header lines [default: 0]" print " --header1=N Take care of N header lines of file 1 [default: 0]" print " --header2=N Take care of N header lines of file 2 [default: 0]" print " --trim={0,1} Trim the key [default: 1]" print " --ltrim={0,1} Ltrim the key [default: 0]" print " --rtrim={0,1} Rtrim the key [default: 0]" print " --upper={0,1} Set the key to upper case [default: 0]" print " --lower={0,1} Set the key to lower case [default: 0]" print " --lpadzero=N Left pad the key with \"0\" to length N [default: 0]" print " --csv1={0,1} Dequote CSV file for file 1 [default: 0]" print " --csv2={0,1} Dequote CSV file for file 2 [default: 0]" print " --utf81={0,1} For substring use with UTF-8 file 1 [default: 0]" print " --utf82={0,1} For substring use with UTF-8 file 2 [default: 0]" print " --debug={0,1} Print debug files [default: 0]" print " --largefiles=N Split file into pieces of N lines [default: 1000000]" print " -?, --help Display this help and exit" print "" print "Notes:" print " You can use -, -- or / as first option character(s)." print " E.g. -diff=1, --diff=1, /diff=1 are all valid alternatives." print " {0,1} means: Use \"0\" for No (False) or \"1\" for Yes (True)." print " For these {0,1} options omitting these values means Yes." print " E.g. option -d, --diff={0,1}" print " You can use either --diff=1 or simply --diff" print " For the short option you can use -d, -d=1 or -d 1" ... } BEGIN { ### Begin Options treatment: # Create argument parser # Two input files are allowed. argparse("create", 2) # Add options # Required?, Option short, Option long, Allowed values, Default value, Specific, Interfering. # "Required=1" means: There must be user input for this option and there is no Default value. # "Specific" means: Take care of the given interfering general option in case it is provided. # "Interfering" means a comma separated list of interfering options like "lower=1" for upper. argparse("add", "", "f", "fs", ".+", " ", "", "") argparse("add", "", "", "fs1", ".+", " ", "fs", "") argparse("add", "", "", "fs2", ".+", " ", "fs", "") argparse("add", "", "k", "key", "^[0-9]+|fname=", "1", "", "") argparse("add", "", "", "key1", "^[0-9]+|fname=", "1", "key", "") argparse("add", "", "", "key2", "^[0-9]+|fname=", "1", "key", "") argparse("add", "", "v", "value", "^[01]$", "0", "", "") argparse("add", "", "d", "diff", "^[01]$", "0", "", "") argparse("add", "", "", "dif1", "^[0-9]+|fname=", "0", "", "diff=0") argparse("add", "", "", "dif2", "^[0-9]+|fname=", "0", "", "diff=0") argparse("add", "", "h", "header", "^[0-9]+$", "0", "", "") argparse("add", "", "", "header1", "^[0-9]+$", "0", "header", "") argparse("add", "", "", "header2", "^[0-9]+$", "0", "header", "") argparse("add", "", "", "trim", "^[01]$", "1", "", "ltrim=1,rtrim=1") argparse("add", "", "", "ltrim", "^[01]$", "0", "", "trim=1") argparse("add", "", "", "rtrim", "^[01]$", "0", "", "trim=1") argparse("add", "", "", "upper", "^[01]$", "0", "", "lower=1") argparse("add", "", "", "lower", "^[01]$", "0", "", "upper=1") argparse("add", "", "", "lpadzero", "^[0-9]+", "0", "", "") argparse("add", "", "", "csv1", "^[01]$", "0", "", "") argparse("add", "", "", "csv2", "^[01]$", "0", "", "") argparse("add", "", "", "debug", "^[01]$", "0", "", "") argparse("add", "", "", "condition1", "^[0-9]+|fname=", "0", "", "") argparse("add", "", "", "condition2", "^[0-9]+|fname=", "0", "", "") argparse("add", "", "", "utf81", "^[01]$", "0", "", "") argparse("add", "", "", "utf82", "^[01]$", "0", "", "") argparse("add", "", "", "largefiles", "^[1-9][0-9]*$", "1000000", "", "") argparse("add", "", "?", "help", "^[01]$", "0", "", "") # Test and save options argparse("make") # Result: OPTION_VALUES array with keys and values, # e.g. OPTION_VALUES["--trim"] = "1" ### End Options treatment. # Preparation: ... # Use of large files support: arraynumber = OPTION_VALUES["--largefiles"] + 0 # Read file 1: OFS = FS = OPTION_VALUES["--fs1"] # Set Field separator from options ... }